Parent Teacher Meetings will happen after every assessment (Two Months Once) and monthly personal files of students will be shared with parents which contains progress Report for all the below parameters through our school Mobile App or Email or in a printed format.
- Discipline
- HW Status week by week
- CW status week by week
- Exam Results of all the lessons
- Clubs Performance
- Sports Performance
- Attendance
- Competitions & Achievements
- Innovative Ideas
- Student score bank Details
- Public Speaking Status Report with Speech Videos of the kid
At Accord School, we believe in the enormous contribution that parents can make in the running of a school through constant feedback and whole-hearted participation in school activities. We view our parents as our strength and will provide every opportunity for the parents to suggest ideas and to participate in the various activities and events in the school which will motivate the children and strengthen the hands of the teachers and the management. At Accord School, we see our parents as the ambassadors of the school. As professionals from different walks of life parents are a vast talent pool whose involvement in school will help enrich the culture and ethos of the institution and help the school to anchor itself in the society which it strives to serve.